FTC: Order free materials for National Consumer Protection Week 2017
FTC: Order free materials for National Consumer Protection Week 2017
Thinking about hosting an event? Our new feature page has all the information and resources you need to spread the word. You can personalize an article with your event details, share pre-written social media messages, and use our new Military Tool Kit to help reach out to the military community.
Interested in free consumer education materials for your event? Check out the FTC’s free publications on avoiding scams, managing debt, identity theft, and more. To have your materials in time, just visit ftc.gov/bulkorder and place your order by February 1, 2017. You also can check out the free resources offered by our NCPW partners to share with family, friends, and your community.
Visit ncpw.gov for more information. And have a great National Consumer Protection Week!